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Albania Em 2016

Albania at UEFA Euro 2016

A nation with a deep love for football

Albania is a country with a deep love for football. The sport is widely played and followed throughout the country, and the national team is a source of great pride for Albanians. Despite their passion for the game, Albania have had limited success on the international stage. They have never qualified for a major tournament before, and their only appearance at a European Championship was at UEFA Euro 2016.

A historic qualification

Albania's qualification for UEFA Euro 2016 was a historic achievement. They finished second in their qualifying group behind Portugal, and they secured their place at the tournament with a play-off victory over Ukraine. It was the first time that Albania had ever qualified for a major tournament, and it was a moment of great celebration for the country.

A tough group

Albania were drawn into a tough group at UEFA Euro 2016. They faced hosts France, Romania, and Switzerland. Albania lost their opening game to Switzerland, but they then drew with Romania and France. They finished third in the group, and they were eliminated from the tournament in the group stage.

A proud performance

Despite their elimination from the tournament, Albania could be proud of their performance at UEFA Euro 2016. They played with passion and determination, and they showed that they can compete with the best teams in Europe. Their performance at the tournament has given Albanian fans hope for the future, and they will be looking to build on their success at UEFA Euro 2016.
